granted him her favors|grant him her favor in English

she had sexual intercourse with him, she made love to him

Use "granted him her favors|grant him her favor" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "granted him her favors|grant him her favor" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "granted him her favors|grant him her favor", or refer to the context using the word "granted him her favors|grant him her favor" in the English Dictionary.

1. They load him with favors.

2. Her love for him blinded her .

3. Her questions aggravate him.

4. Her moods exasperated him.

5. Her beauty captivated him.

6. Her comeliness overwhelmed him.

7. The gods favor him.

8. Li Yuan ... How her heart ached to see him now; to have him hold her and comfort her.

9. Her quiet lucidity startled him, but did not mislead him into thinking her insensible.

10. Her beauty and her soul alike enthralled him.

11. Her father threw her into prison for her treachery to him.

12. Her dark eyes flayed him.

13. Her discomfort amused him greatly.

14. She proffered him her resignation.

15. Her rebuff thoroughly deflated him.

16. Her docility had surprised him.

17. You let her take him?

18. Her honesty got to him.

19. Her angry words jolted him.

20. Her discomfort Amused him greatly

21. Her beauty captured him instantly.

22. And when he had done with her, she could wipe him from her mind, obliterate him.

23. He pulled her to him, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead.

24. Her caustic remark gave him a foretaste of her anger.

25. I'm tired of seeing him Browbeat her into agreeing with him